When a consumer buys a product that has a tariff on it, han pays the foreign producer’s cost, hanen profit, the tariff, and the importer’s profit: a fixed price for the product.
Everybody is a consumer. Everybody pays. That’s Fair, isn’t it? No! Tariffs are a consumption tax paid mainly by the middle class and the poor, not the rich.
That is grossly unfair.
The government has to start paying its own way. Since the wealthy have most of the money they’ll have to provide most of the revenue.
Consumption can’t be adjusted much to meet the government’s revenue needs.
Tariffs are really not a good way to fund the economy.
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|Climate Change | National Debt | Income Taxes | Health Care | Abortion |
| Tariffs | Inflation | Moving On | Electrification | Homelessness |
| Independent Media | Education | Gender-neutral Pronoun|
| Martin Luther King, Jr | Ghandi |
| Jesus | Jewish | Mohammad| Buddha | Hindu |
| Dick Feynman | Robert Ingersoll | Mark Twain | Will Rogers|
Dick Feynman Winston Churchill