Citizens United Amendmendment

In the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision, the court decided that corporations have the rights and privileges of people and that money was the same as free speech.

Since the First Amendment to the Constitution forbids limiting free speech, the court ruled that corporations and other entities could spend as much as they wanted on political campaigns.

The result is that corporations and other entities have far too much control over elections and that elections are outrageously expensive.

To fix the situation, we need to:

1.) Establish that corporations are not people.

2.) Establish that money spent for elections should be regulated on a per campaign basis.

(On the free speech issue, it’s not good enough to just contradict the court. Spending money to support a cause really about the same as free speech.)

It takes a two thirds vote of the House and of the Senate to override Trump’s veto, so we really have to overwhelmingly convince Congress to do the right contradict the court




Problems Considered

|Climate Change | National Debt | Income Taxes | Health Care | Abortion |

| Tariffs | Inflation | Moving On | Electrification | Homelessness |

| Independent Media | Education | Gender-neutral Pronoun|


| Martin Luther King, Jr | Ghandi |

| Jesus | Jewish | Mohammad| Buddha | Hindu |

| Dick Feynman | Robert Ingersoll | Mark Twain | Will Rogers|

| Timely | Altruism |


Dick Feynman Winston Churchill
