
There is too much proof of the danger of climate change for the hoax claims to be anything but propaganda.

Trump and Project2025 want to do everything they can possible to extract all possible profit from fossil fuels, regardless of environmental cost. We need to do everything possible to stop them.

  • Marc Morano says that the regulations needed to control climate change. would be too onerous. His scoffs at the significance of cow farts and ignores the risk of colon cancer from consuming red meat. He quotes some people who say that fighting climate change will give us a chance to “reset” our capitalist society and make it green. He claims this would mean a complete restructuring of our society into an authoritarian dystopia that would control every aspect of our lives, even what we’re allowed to eat and compares it to that of the the book 1984.
  • Another of the hoax claims is that the greenhouse process warms up the ocean and makes clouds which reflect enough sunlight to negate the process. That sounds fishy on the face of it. The process will negate itself? Besides, warming the ocean is not benign.

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