Howard Hughes Anecdotes

Abandoned cars. Howard Hughes was known for his eccentric behavior, and one of his more famous habits involved leaving a variety of cars abandoned around Los Angeles. The cars he reportedly abandoned were typically dark-colored, often black or dark green. These cars would sometimes be left in random places or left to sit for long periods of time, which added to Hughes’s reclusive and unpredictable reputation.

In fact, some stories suggest that he would have cars delivered to different areas of Los Angeles, drive them for a short time, and then abandon them without any explanation. His disregard for the state of the cars was part of his overall behavior during his later years, which was marked by a sense of detachment from the outside world.

Forgotten ID badge One day, Hughes showed up at the security gate to Hughes Aircraft without his access badge.

Hughes: “You gotta know who I am, I own this place. You can let me in.”

Guard: “I don’t care if you’re JC himself. Without a badge, you’re not getting in.”

And he didn’t.