The government absolutely has to stop borrowing money and running huge deficits. We have to pay our own way to avoid disaster. We have to raise a whole lot of revenue.
Tariffs are unfair and ineffective. They’re a consumption tax and are mostly paid by the lower and middle classes, not by the rich, who really have the money.
Since tariffs are based on consumption, which can’t be driven much by the government, they can’t be adjusted to meet the revenue needs of the nation.
A highly progressive income tax where the very rich pay a much higher percentage of their income than the lower classes is what’s needed.
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Problems Considered
|Climate Change | National Debt | Income Taxes | Health Care | Abortion |
| Tariffs | Inflation | Moving On | Electrification | Homelessness |
| Independent Media | Education | Gender-neutral Pronoun|
| Martin Luther King, Jr | Ghandi |
| Jesus | Jewish | Mohammad| Buddha | Hindu |
| Dick Feynman | Robert Ingersoll | Mark Twain | Will Rogers|
Dick Feynman Winston Churchill