Wealth Distribution


Wealth distribution in the United States in the second quarter of 2024

Green: bottom 50% Red: 50%-90%
Grey: 90% – 99% Navy: 99%-99.9%

Blue- 0.1%

A nation where half the people

have 2.5% of the wealth is


of the people, by the people,and for the people

The people got hit by a double whammy!

1.) Since around 1970 the income of the bottom 10% of wage earners has only risen about 26% while the income of the top 0.1% has grown by 160%. To a large extent that was due to the intentional erosion of policies that had protected workers throughout most of the 20th century.

2.) Then, starting in 1982, the Reagan/Bush/Trump tax cuts for the rich let the rich and powerful keep a whole lot more of their huge incomes.

As a result, the government has diverted $50 trillion from the working class to the rich.

Total wealth of the nation

French economist Thomas Piketty, advocates highly progressive income taxes, like what we had until the Reagan/Bush/Trump tax cuts, and inheritance taxes in order “to reduce inequality and prevent the concentration of wealth from destabilizing society.”

What the Science of Predators and Prey Tells Us About the Morbidly Rich and Working People


The article above uses ecological predator-prey dynamics to explain economic inequality, highlighting how policies from 1900-1980 reduced income disparity through progressive taxation, strong unions, and financial regulation. Since the 1980s, the erosion of these policies has enabled the wealthy to extract over $50 trillion from the working class, causing our obscene distribution of wealth. 

.The Hartman Report

Wealth of the people could be considered as the median family net worth of $192,000 x 127 million families = $1.92 e5 x 1.27 e8 =2.43 e13 = $24 trillion

Problems Considered

| Wealth Distribution |

| Climate Change |

| Citizens United | Projects|

| Abortion | National Debt |

| Income Taxes | Health Care |

| Tariffs | Inflation | Electrification |

| Homelessness | Christian Nation? |

| Independent Media | Education |

| Gender-neutral Pronoun |




Timely |

| Martin Luther King, jr | Ghandi |

Jesus | Jewish | MohammadBuddha | Hindu |

Dick Feynman | Robert Ingersoll | Mark Twain | Will Rogers|

Altruism |


Dick Feynman Winston Churchill | My Story |